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Current database: 2,077,844 LEIs from 39 Awarding authorities
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1000 Entries found
LEI | Name | Legal address | Headquarters address | Status |
724500CI4XL4AH4JGH52 | ´n Hut´n Kaamp | Veldweg 5a 7495VX Ambt Delden Netherlands | Veldweg 5a 7495VX Ambt Delden Netherlands | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
724500U1D2S9KJCU4933 | ´n Hut´n Kaamp | Veldweg 5a 7495VX Ambt Delden Netherlands | Veldweg 5a 7495VX Ambt Delden Netherlands | retiredThe entity no longer exists. |
984500C4ED0ETB47G331 | ´s Paul Restaurant GmbH | Mitterndorf 23 4801 Traunkirchen Austria | Mitterndorf 23 4801 Traunkirchen Austria | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
724500X787Q6G41ASK90 | ´s-Gravengoed B.V. | Thomsonlaan 42 2565LB 's-Gravenhage Netherlands | Thomsonlaan 42 2565LB 's-Gravenhage Netherlands | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
724500VY5X33DDDBMM09 | ´t Rolder Holding B.V. | Roldersweg 17a 7136KX Zieuwent Netherlands | Roldersweg 17a 7136KX Zieuwent Netherlands | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
8945009ML5HY46P4SR53 | ¨PORTFOLIO 9 | PLACE ARGENCE LE JULIANA 2 30300 FOURQUES France | PLACE ARGENCE LE JULIANA 2 30300 FOURQUES France | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
254900PAZB5K25019324 | !NNOV8 LIMITED | Old Barn Farm TN8 5NF Edenbridge United Kingdom | Old Barn Farm TN8 5NF Edenbridge United Kingdom | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
391200XDEE3AGQOY5389 | !Wir: Kommunikation und Unternehmensberatung GmbH. | Carl-Cohn-Straße 77 22297 Hamburg Germany | Carl-Cohn-Straße 77 22297 Hamburg Germany | retiredThe entity no longer exists. |
213800U6BLHWMX4UM587 | " 3 J " Mezőgazdasági termelő, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság | Derecskei útfél 06/4. hrsz. 4212 Hajdúszovát Hungary | Derecskei útfél 06/4. hrsz. 4212 Hajdúszovát Hungary | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
23300064ZAL5410DV544 | " 32 FOG " Fogászati Egészségügyi Szolgáltató Betéti Társaság | Kazinczy utca 2. I./7. 6720 Szeged Hungary | Kazinczy utca 2. I./7. 6720 Szeged Hungary | lapsedThe LEI is lapsed. |
815600DBF4159FD29554 | " A G T S.R.L." | VIA PAOLO EMILIO, 34 00192 ROMA Italy | VIA PAOLO EMILIO, 34 00192 ROMA Italy | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
8156005F4AAC71560262 | " AGAPE - ASSOCIAZIONE DI SOLIDARIETA' SOCIALE" | VIA NICCOLO' TOMMASEO, 80 25128 BRESCIA Italy | VIA NICCOLO' TOMMASEO, 80 25128 BRESCIA Italy | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
984500D85E0B4AEC8D58 | " AGATOM " RODZINNE OPŁATY TOMASZ PRUSAK | UL. BORÓWKOWA, nr 6 05-240 Chrzęsne Poland | UL. BORÓWKOWA, nr 6 05-240 Chrzęsne Poland | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
815600D4F6EC2D5C8783 | " AGRICOLA MONTECAPRINO S.R.L." | VIA SAN PIETRO ALL'ORTO, 10 20122 MILANO Italy | VIA SAN PIETRO ALL'ORTO, 10 20122 MILANO Italy | issuedThe LEI is valid. |
815600999565F2AF4E45 | " AGRO CATENA S.R.L." | VIA V. EMANUELE III, 109 94010 CATENANUOVA Italy | VIA V. EMANUELE III, 109 94010 CATENANUOVA Italy | lapsedThe LEI is lapsed. |
Please note that, from our point of view, this LEI information is edited by the editorial team with the greatest possible care and, if necessary, also edited and reformatted for easier accessibility and simplified presentation. However, we cannot verify for this third-party LEI information its compliance with the current requirements of the standard and related guidelines, nor can we guarantee the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of this LEI information. For this third-party LEI information, we also cannot rule out the possibility that several LEIs may have been issued for the relevant legal entity on a global basis.